Category Archives: Twitter

#AusELT Twitter chat Empowerment and Teachers 7th Apr 2019

Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at 2.50.57 AMThis chat has concluded. See the comments collated via Wakelet here.

Every 2 months is a chance for #AusELTers to get together on Twitter for a chat about something related to teaching and learning in our context. We’re due for one this Sunday at 8.30pm AEST – click here to see the time where you are.

Here are some of the things we’ve been talking about recently. Please vote on what you’d be most interested in discussing on Sunday!

Please get in touch if you would like to get involved but aren’t sure how to use Twitter. See our quick guide here.

Extensive Listening – AusELT Twitter chat, 1st July 2018

This #AusELT Twitter chat was held on Sunday 1st July – read the transcript here .

Extensive Listening: auditory comprehensible input

for effective, and efficient, language acquisition

Photo of headphones on cardboard cutout head

There seems to be a lot of discussion around about Extensive Reading, but not as much about Extensive Listening.  The idea for this topic came from a recent podcast. Read on for more information, and links to some other background information on Extensive Listening that might be of interest and to get you thinking before the chat on Sunday.

In a recent episode of the We Teach Languages podcast, Beniko Mason talked about her Story Listening and Efficient Acquisition. ‘Efficiency’ is key for her, and her slogan is “Reduce suffering!”, meaning for the students, but when you learn more about the approach, you might agree it relates to teachers as well.  Beniko Mason is trying to change that, and along with Stephen Krashen, has been conducting research and workshops on this approach to developing.  Check out the podcast show notes to find links to her publications and current projects.  A lot of the material there is focused on teaching young learners, but our discussion would be around how to use a similar approach, an Extensive Listening approach in our classrooms.

The Extensive Reading Central website has a section devoted to Extensive Listening, covering aspects such as:

  • What is Extensive Listening?
  • How to do Extensive Listening
  • Types of Extensive Listening materials
  • EL Resources, Links and Research

Rob Waring also has an Extensive Listening section on his website.

These two papers by Willy A Renandya might be of interest:

This one is aimed at adult literacy teachers, but is a good addition to our discussion:  Audiobooks for Adult Literacy? It’s Not a Myth!

This #AusELT Twitter chat was held on Sunday 1st July – read the transcript here .


[“Photo taken from by @sandymillin, used under a CC Attribution Non-Commercial license,

This post created by @cioccas